Wednesday, July 30, 2003

free speech. I'll get to it one of these days.

I recently read another Vonnegut book: Hocus Pocus. One of the themes that I latched onto was the lack of swearing. How can one who feels so strongly about tourettes-like impulses also be impressed by the 'jeepers creepers/good gravy' side of things.

I would like to say 'Holy Smoke', only it comes out of my mouth 'Fucking Shit'. Can one fix that? Let me know if you have an idea.

Finally my friend has begun bloggin again. Two words; Bout Time.

Playtime's Over. What a really great slogan. Man that was an election to remember, and remember it I do. Michelle is right, I don't regret that year of my life one bit. now the last month of it ( which isn't included in that 12-month year is another thing altogether.)

The tourettes is getting worse, nipple fuck slut ass. These words come to me out of the blue, and the click click job is making me see dirty words and phrases in peoples names. Gerhardt, Conipher, you see what I'm talking about? Well, no, I don't really either but I would if I was typing them out.

Philosophy 377 is the easiest course I have ever taken. Even easier than HTST 317 or STAT 323. I could fall asleep in class and wake up smarter than 90% of the class. There are 3 keaners like myself. Today's test was slated for 60 minutes. 30 minutes in I finished, then at 45 two others finished. The last Keaner finished at 50 minutes. The rest of the class was writing up until the prof wrenched the papers from their hand. This is a group of dumb 'uns.

Well, my eyes are burning again so I'm going to go to sleep. As some grandmothers would say (maybe they're right?) 'stop whacking off or you'll go blind.' Too true!

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

That last posting was bullshit. Not surprising though. Seeing how it comes from the lips of a blogger and a liar.

I got a job. A click click, type type job, or data entry in the common lingo. The pay isn't bad but my eyes burn after 8 hours of it. The job will probably only last through the rest of the summer but it allows me some finanical freedom until I can find a real job.

In other news, ... It seems that another grad school doesn't want me. UNC- Chapel Hill sent me a notice of non-acceptance. I will burn them in hell once I take over as Satan. Mark my words.

P.s. Fuck all you non-bloggers.

Friday, July 18, 2003


a magician with enchanting musical abilities

clever; artsy; fun
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]

Thursday, July 17, 2003

none of my friends blog anymore. Now it's like pulling teeth finding out what they're up to. Good Gravy people! Tell me why you stopped. Such an easy way for all your friends to know that you have tourettes.

Nipple is so right on! In fact, nipple is the word of the day. If anyone says nipple today (other than me) I am going to shower them with rice or confetti.

I am with DesCartes on free speech. Or at least I was while I was idealistic.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Birthday has come and gone! I don't feel any different, and I believe birthdays cease to matter once you reach 21. They begin to matter again once you reach 50, but someone else is usually reminding us of those birthdays. Always eager to throw a party for such old people, and not too much fun because they might die of exhiliration.

Got my PJ Bootlegs in the mail today and they are really good. I swear, it didn't sound that good when I was sitting in the audience (I could barely hear Eddie sing). The audience was singing over the band most of the time, and some of the newer songs were blurs (I don't know the words so I had no idea what was up).

I am trying to sell my texts online and they aren't getting many hits. Now isn't a good time to be buying books like Feminist Social Thought: A Reader. I guess no one wants to know what women feel in the summer except horny. Every which way but loose.

nipple, and free speech will wait again.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Tolstoy is a bore (boar?) and his writing is interminable. It is fine to say that he writes richly descriptive novels, but he's killed more readers with boredom than words on a page. I've now tried to read two of his 'masterpieces' Anna Karenina and War and Peace. They have both been put aside for more interesting and less descriptive novels.I love Harry Potter, Hunter Thompson, Jack Kerouac is a master, and so many others, but Tolstoy is off my list forever.

I also feel like I'm getting tourettes. Today in my class I was forced to write "fuck shit whore" in order to purge it from revolving in my mind. I wanted to blurt it out for about 20 minutes before that. As well, my eyebrow was twitching. Very mysterious if you ask me. Either I have been cursed or I'm slowly degrading into tourettes-ville.

Free speech will have to wait for another day.

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