Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Tolstoy is a bore (boar?) and his writing is interminable. It is fine to say that he writes richly descriptive novels, but he's killed more readers with boredom than words on a page. I've now tried to read two of his 'masterpieces' Anna Karenina and War and Peace. They have both been put aside for more interesting and less descriptive novels.I love Harry Potter, Hunter Thompson, Jack Kerouac is a master, and so many others, but Tolstoy is off my list forever.

I also feel like I'm getting tourettes. Today in my class I was forced to write "fuck shit whore" in order to purge it from revolving in my mind. I wanted to blurt it out for about 20 minutes before that. As well, my eyebrow was twitching. Very mysterious if you ask me. Either I have been cursed or I'm slowly degrading into tourettes-ville.

Free speech will have to wait for another day.

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