Monday, April 02, 2007

I went to see the Namesake yesterday with my sister. This is an adaptation to screen of the novel (same name) by Jhumpa Lahiri.

I was impressed by the movie, very impressed, and I am recommending it to anyone I come across. It is well done. I have not yet read the book, so I have no idea if it runs true to the original vision of Ms. Lahiri. I own the book and I will read it soon and comment on that as well.

Many of you may also note that I recently changed jobs. I am no longer in the employ of Man-gina Construction. They canned me three days into my notice period. I am now employed by a much better construction company. Elan Construction is a fine company to work for so far (I've been here one week) and I am enjoying the change in scenery and pay that comes with my new position.

I have time to post a Blog now because none of the projects that I am to be working on are yet in full swing. As soon as I am busy again you won't hear from me for another 3 or 4 months.

Cheers for now,

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