Tuesday, February 14, 2006

So, I'm sitting here in my hotel room in Lethbridge with no pants on and I'm thinking to myself, 'What the hell do I do now?'

I've got a laptop, connected to the internet, loaded with all kinds of goodies. I've got 4 novels sitting beside me. I've got a book of Sudoku puzzles right beside the books. I've got a TV and a bed too. But I'm so fucking bored because I have no company. Of course, if I had someone with me I would have to put my pants back on, but I digress.

It seems that while I might have the entire universe by the balls in my current situation I am still not happy without some sort of human companionship. I am really fucked up! There have got to be some stronger drugs I can take for this. The 2 pills I pop everyday just aren't doing it anymore.

I have several favorite pastimes, as some of you may know, such as watching films, reading, cooking, watching television, sudoku, civ 4, etc. But I prefer to do all of these things while someone is in the room making noise. Just so I know they're there with me. Most of the time, as my sister can attest, I just ignore these people in the room but I require them all the same.

Anyways, I thought you all should know how screwed up your favorite "chestie" is.

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