Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I have returned from Kelowna, on time and already put in one day of work as well. Kelowna was so relaxing. I felt like the cares were washed from me while I sat in my Aunt's house. It was a holistically fabulous experience. And now I'm back, ready to face the cruel world again.

In addition, I've finished another novel. Rabbit is Rich by John Updike was a very good novel, succinctly real and understandable. If anyone coming from an upper-middle class upbringing and wants to read some literature about it then this is it. I'm not one to synopsize the plot and this is no exception. It was a good read, and now I plan to read Rabbit at Rest, also by Updike, the last of the "Rabbit" series, and another award winner as well. I will endeavor to discuss that one as well once it has been read.

I hope that all my blog readers understand that any questions are welcome on these novels. I am a learner and teacher at heart and I delight in other people's knowledge.

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