Thursday, November 13, 2003

I am nothing like Sam Seaborn. This test is bullshit. If you try it tell me the results. Sushi. soon. I love sushi. I had sushi in New Orleans and Halifax, but nothing compares to the sushi here in Calgary. Especially when it comes to price.

It really is nice to be back in Calgary. The weather here isn't as bad as people say it is; at least we have chinooks. And the people here are friendly. There isn't nearly enough flashing of breasts for my liking but perhaps stampede will evolve into a flashing theme. You know, once cowboys and beef go out of style.

In addition, I have finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird - Lee. I thought it was a good novel. I especially liked the perspective chosen. the race realtions aren't realistic someone told me. I have to disagree with them. Dave, email me your thoughts on the novel and I'll let you have it.

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